Welcome to the VASWP website. The state officers for 2014-16 are:

Immediate Past President is Lorna Watkins. Lorna has served as President for 4 years. She is currently the Senior Service Worker, Supervising the Child Care Program at Danville Department of Social Services. She is available to help with local PD development.  Lorna can be reached at lorna.watkins@dss.virginia.gov

President is Tonya Cunningham. Tonya is an Adult Services Worker at Henrico Department of Social Services. The president presides at all meetings and serves as the League Liaison and attends the League meetings. You may contact Tonya at cun14@henrico.va.us

First Vice-President is Vesna Farrar. Vesna is a Family Services Specialist at Campbell County Department of Social Services. Vesna can assist you with any questions about VASWP committees, such as where and when they meet and what the current focus is for that group. Most of our committees meet jointly with the League’s committees. It is important that you take an interest in these committees. You may contact Vesna at vesna.farrar@dss.virginia.gov

Second Vice-President position is currently vacant. The Second Vice President has the responsibility of coordinating meeting places and programs and shall chair the Professional Development/ Program Committee.

Third-Vice President is Blair Smith. Blair is a Senior Benefit Program Specialist/ Trainer at Charlottesville Department of Social Services. Blair is responsible for coordinating membership. She will disperse messages and pertinent information to keep the membership informed. You may contact Blair at smithb@charlottesville.org

Secretary is Denise Lucombe. Denise is a Family Services Specialist  with Richmond City Department of Social Services. She will keep the minutes of the membership and Board meetings. The minutes will be given to all members. You may contact Denise at denise.lucombe@richmondgov.com

Treasurer is Renee White. Renee is an Adult Services worker with Henrico Department of Social Services. Renee will receive and disburse the funds of the Alliance. Financial reports will be given at the Board meetings and can be received by the membership upon request. You may contact Renee at whi86@henrico.va.us

The Virginia Alliance of Social Work Practitioners is here to promote mutual understanding, fellowship, cooperation and coordination among those of us who serve the citizens in our various communities. It is our pleasure to serve.

Alliance By-Laws