Join One And Be An Integral Part Of Your Organization

Working committees are how the ALLIANCE gets it annual program of work accomplished. Working on a committee is how you get to know your fellow ALLIANCE members and give yourself the means to direct the affairs of your organization. When you are involved, you help things to happen.

Committee members examine and research issues; monitor legislation and policy; develop, conduct and tabulate surveys; develop position papers for consideration; formulate and implement strategies; make telephone calls; assist with the education of the ALLIANCE’s membership, public officials, legislators, and the public; and encourage communications among those dedicated to the interest of clients and the membership. Being a member of a committee involves attending at least four meetings a year as well as conducting work by telephone and E-mail. The ALLIANCE’s program committees are joint committees with Virginia League of Social Service Executives. These committee partnerships are part of our effort to affect the services provided to the citizens of our localities and the Commonwealth. If you are interested in joining a committee or being a chairperson for a committee that currently does not have one, please contact our Executive Board.

Adult Services Committee

Responsible for matters pertaining to Adult Services, Adult Protective Services, Long Term Care, and issues affecting the elderly & disabled.

Chair - TBA


Mickey Reynolds Scholarship

Two- $500 educational scholarships are awarded each year to members

Awards and recognitions are given to outstanding members of The Alliance

Chair - TBA


Child Care Committee

Responsible for matters pertaining to Child Day Care.

Chair - TBA

Child and Family Services Committee

Responsible for matters pertaining to Child Protective Services, Foster Care, Adoptions, Comprehensive Services Act, and other family preservation issues and services.

Chair - TBA
Public Relations

Responsible for matters pertaining to marketing and communication in order that all functions of the organization can be effectively and efficiently carried forth in conformity with established policies and practices. Activities include maintaining the VASWP webpage in order to communicate the mission and activities of the organization.

Charmagne Cook - Chair
Campbell County


Legislative Committee

Responsible for matters pertaining to legislative and policy issues before the General Assembly, State Boards, and Commissions.

Tracey Ballagh - Chair
Lynchburg City Department of Social Services


Personnel Committee

Responsible for matters pertaining to personnel issues including caseload standards and best practices, minimum requirements for the Social Work and Employment Services position classification series, continuing training and education, and accreditation, certification, and licensure.

Chair - TBA


ESP/TANF Committee

Responsible for matters concerning TANF, SNAPET and VIEW.

Chair - TBA